Monday, October 16, 2017

Butterfly We

What's up with the butterflies?

They've been all around me lately! When I was letting the dogs in, one flew right in front of my face. Russ said, "Whoa! Did you see that butterfly?"

Yes. I've been seeing them everywhere. It was a few days later that a little girl I know drew me a picture. "That's nice," I said, "What is it? A heart?"

"It's a butterfly," she informed me.

Saturday morning I noticed some pretty flowers in front of a local diner. While in the middle of a little flower photo shoot, we got photobombed...

Soon another one came along and didn't mind posing for a few shots...

The next day, a butterfly flew in front of me while I was talking to someone and literally interrupted our conversation. Later that day, out of nowhere, another friend texted me a picture of a butterfly.

"The butterfly is one of the most emblematic totem animals symbolizing personal transformation."

I have been thinking not only of personal transformation, but of transformation in a broader sense a lot lately. It seemed as if everyone was talking about sexual harassment last week. It was all over the headlines, the radio, the television and social media. I was surprised that anyone would be "shocked" that a powerful entertainment industry executive would be accused of (or could be guilty of) sexual harassment. (Really? Shocked?) 

Then there were the comments from Donna Karan implying women were "asking for it" by presenting sensuality and sexuality in their appearance. (Again... REALLY??? Victim blaming? In 2017? From someone who designs those "presentations"?) After fierce criticism, she said she regretted making those comments and that she was in fact "shocked" by them herself.

The talk radio show discussing the general issue of sexual harassment had me listening so intently I missed my opportunity for a cardio workout, while opting instead to stay and listen in the parking lot of the gym. Some "brave" women came forward to talk about their battles. Others expressed their lack of "bravery" in similar situations. Many of us have experienced both sides of that fence.

I like the idea that the whole collective is transforming - standing up for ourselves in new ways, bringing to light things that were in the shadows. Does it mean that sexual harassment will stop? Certainly not. Our collective evolutions might ebb and flow like the Universe Itself. Is the fact that we are having this conversation helping someone? Without a doubt, yes. A flood of support has come via #metoo, with people posting the hashtag to indicate that they have also endured sexual harassment or sexual assault.

I think of all the ways culture and societal norms affect us all. What we wear and how we act are often weighed with considerations of how we will be perceived - for both men and women, for all kinds of reasons, and in all kinds of situations. What about a day when we can all feel free to express ourselves, sexuality and all, without fear of physical vulnerability, negative consequence, or judgment? What about a day when we can look into each others' eyes, see ourselves, and offer ourselves enough compassion, kindness, and respect? What if power came from within and was not attempted to be gained by dominating or judging another? What if profits made by uniting people and seeking their best interest far outweighed those made from selling fear and division? What if we as a human race were inching toward finally getting our act together? What if all things were actually happening for the education and good of all???

I'm down with the caterpillars. Let's transform.

#letsevolve #butterflyme #butterflywe #metoo


"Your natural beauty wants to be. Set your sexy free."
- Tanya Diona, Get Your Sexy On

"But it is not enough to merely exist," said [the butterfly],
 "I need freedom, sunshine, and a little flower..."
- Hans Christian Anderson

"Butterflies... flowers that fly and all but sing."
- Robert Frost

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