Monday, March 16, 2015

Hold the Rope

Early in the week, I watched an episode of Psych. (Did you ever see that show? It’s hilarious!) The main character, Shawn, had been challenged by a serial killer to a battle of wits, and was trying to keep his usual brand of lighthearted humor despite the seriousness of the situation. He encouraged his best friend, Gus, to help him out by keeping that spirit of goofy humor alive. Gus obliged by acting silly in the most serious of circumstances. By outward appearances, Gus seemed to have lost his mind – LOL. It was unclear whether Shawn just wanted to make him look like a fool or really needed his support in that manner. The show cracked me up, as usual.

(from Psych Season 3, Episode 16 "An Evening With Mr. Yang")

By “coincidence,” the day after watching that episode some close friends and I had to deal with a challenging situation in which it became very tempting to lose our cool. We adopted a similar coping mechanism. To safeguard against falling into the perils of negativity, we adopted a system I call “hold the rope.” When one friend has to deal with some unpleasant situation, another holds the rope. One dives in while others stand in pure love, positive energy and good humor. It’s like having a lifeline. That line is meant to guarantee safe passage into the depths of worldly un-pleasantries and back. Like a harness, it’s a support system.

Let’s face it. Challenges exist. Whether it’s a confrontational coworker, a less-than-pleasant circumstance, or a personal relationship problem – sometimes it becomes a challenge to stay in a positive state of mind. I heard someone on the news this week say that the way to fight hate is with love. It can require serious effort to keep your spirit in a place of love, no matter what comes barreling at you from others. I try to remind myself that there is always something to be learned from ANY situation and that ultimately, a positive outcome can be found. I believe everything can be met with the force of love and that if we are strong enough, in faith and spirit, there is nothing and no one with any real power over us. Keep loving, keep staying strong; that is the plan.

This week, when something is challenging, I’ll ask a friend to hold the rope for me – and I will volunteer to hold the rope for another if they need.  We can stay in the land of love and positive energy if we just give each other a helping hand. If we can manage to keep a smile, we’ll be alright.

With Love,


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