Monday, March 9, 2015

"Calling All Angels..."

"I need a sign to let me know you're here..."
- Train

Saturday morning, I asked the Angels to show themselves to me. It was a simple prayer. I had been stressed out and wanted to feel a sense of peace and reassurance of faith. “Let me see you,” I asked of them. Shortly afterward, Russell and I drove to a Greek Orthodox Church to attend the funeral of a friend’s wife, who had succumbed to cancer.

During the service, I found myself saying the same prayer for the deceased that I had said for myself earlier, before I realized how unnecessary that was. There I was, asking that Angels show themselves to her and comfort her spirit, just as the priest was saying that the dearly departed was with her guardian Angel at that very moment. Of course! 

At the end of the service, the casket was guided down the aisle behind the priest, who walked backwards, singing prayers of Blessing and swinging incense before it. I imagined that the smoke rising from his vessel was actually Angels accompanying the dearly departed, guiding her way. As the fragrant cloud swirled and trailed off in the air, it looked as if those Angels were doing some kind of ceremonial dance with twirls, gracefully and joyously leading her back home.

Immediate family followed the casket down the aisle and I was jolted back to earth as I saw their expressions and felt a sense of loss. I could scarcely imagine what it must have been like for them. I realized that THEY were the ones who needed to see the Angels and be comforted. I silently repeated my prayer for them. They had lost their mother, wife, friend; and while we knew she was now at peace, she would also be dearly missed. They had written a beautiful remembrance of her that was read as part of the ceremony. It was a moving tribute for a very special woman whose kind spirit, generous nature, and manner of touching people's lives served as heartwarming inspiration for her closest loved ones and for all of us there. 

Driving home, I was startled as something swirled and twirled in the air before the car on the highway. It was a big feather! It lingered and danced in the air before us just like the smoke from the priest’s censer had done! I gasped aloud as my mind registered the significance. Russ noticed my reaction and momentarily interrupted his phone call to ask what had triggered it: “What? The feather?” 

He had seen it too! I had not just imagined that Angel feather!

(I’ve heard it said that feathers are signs from Angels - and I’m going to go ahead and believe it.)

Isn’t it funny how we find what we seek? I had said a prayer (or, as some might say, I had set an intention) and it was answered. I’m reminded that we can choose to see what we desire to see. We can see an Angel in a feather, in the smoke cloud of incense, in a child’s smile or in anything of beauty. Even in times of difficulty, we can choose to believe that Angels are hard at work; guiding us, challenging our limited thinking, or pushing us toward higher understanding and greater patience – or stronger faith. They can be anywhere – and EVERYWHERE we CHOOSE to see them. I wanted to see them and I did, simple as that.

This week, I hope we can set positive intentions (or prayers, or wishes, or however you want to word it) for ourselves and for all of our human family, and that we believe strongly enough in them – that we see them come true.

“Ask, and you shall receive. 
Search, and you will find. 
Knock, and the door will be opened for you.”
 – Matthew 7:7



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