Monday, September 20, 2021


Someone needs to hear this.

Churches often teach about selflessness and living in service to others. Unconditional Love can be a tricky thing to understand. As I sat listening to a mass this weekend, it occurred to me that the words could take on a very different meaning to someone in an abusive relationship. 

Healthy relationships have boundaries. Loving someone does not mean you need to stay with them when it undermines your own self-esteem. Walking away is not anything to feel guilty about or ashamed of. Setting boundaries and sticking to them does not mean you love people any less. You can love someone from afar. You can love yourself first.

I looked up the Catholic Church's' stance:

Click here for "What the Catholic Church Teaches About Domestic Violence" on

There's a lot of information on how to identify abuse:

There's much to know and understand about emotional abuse:

Unconditional Love can be misunderstood.

Praying for survivors everywhere. May all the help and support needed - be found. 


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