Monday, June 18, 2018

Safety Alert! If You Smell Gas...

Our neighbor's house exploded. Let's start there.

There were also two road trips and over six hundred miles traveled, one follow-up doctor's appointment (still can't lift anything over twenty pounds for a couple of weeks), one toilet clog, one trip to the vet with both dogs, and one trip to pediatric Urgent Care for what turned out to be a case of pink eye.


In our neighbor's case, several people had called the authorities because they smelled gas - including the homeowners. The area was inspected and people were told that there was nothing else to be done. Then there was an explosion and a fire. The occupants were Blessed to have survived.

IF YOU SMELL GAS... follow safety tips as prescribed by the Fire Department and proper authorities and find answers to your concerns. Keep going until you find your answers. Apparently, the source of the leak in our neighborhood was an improperly installed underground propane tank which had been slowly deteriorating for years. I learned this was the source of the leak roughly seventeen hours AFTER the explosion.

The whole neighborhood came together very quickly. Everyone was trying to help in whatever way they could and share information with each other. I can scarcely imagine what those homeowners must be feeling.

Time marched on and without the ability to lift Zachary yet, I had to travel to where I would have constant help with him. We loaded up the trailer (after duct taping the panel that had the accident and isn't repaired yet) after Roto-Rooter came to fix the toilet. We drove over four hundred miles to our first destination. The dogs had been to the vet a few days earlier to get all up to date on their vaccines.   Zachary had a bit of a runny nose, but when he woke up with a swollen eye, I took him to the pediatric Urgent Care.

Now we are all washing hands and taking extra precautions to avoid the spread of infection over the next twenty-four hours and I need to go to bed now.

Here's wishing us all a safe and uneventful week ahead. Hope you all had a Happy Father's Day!


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