Monday, July 25, 2016

A Little Prayer...

Today I bought a little prayer book titled "A Book of Healing Prayer." I was looking for some prayers to say for a relative going through some health challenges. The book is a compilation of prayer submissions from people who have served as healers at The Healing Temple at the Spiritualist community of Lily Dale, New York. Proceeds from sales of the book will go toward improving and renovating The Healing Temple there. The book includes "verse and prayers of many religions, ancient and modern, that embrace the diversity of our world. Spiritualism believes that Spiritual Healing is available to all life." I sat down and read it from cover to cover. All the quotes used here are taken from it.

As I read through all the prayers, I was keenly reminded of how much we are all alike. There are words written from people all over the world. Sentiments from people of different cultures and from different times - all seeking comfort, love, peace and understanding.

When I look at the statistics of people who read this blog, sometimes I am astounded at the worldwide audience. This week alone, there have been views from Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Germany, Mauritius, Portugal and Saudi Arabia. I am so grateful to be able to connect here with brothers and sisters from around the world!

It occurs to me that as I seek out prayers for an ailing relative, people all over the world are doing the same thing for theirs. My hope this week is that we can all say a prayer or two keeping each other in mind. There are so many of us searching for the same thing - healing, love, peace, understanding - and asking for it in the quiet of our own hearts. May we remember that we are many. May that give us strength and reassurance.

"God Is Love

With bended knees, with hands outstretched,
do I yearn for the effective expression of the
Holy Spirit working within me.

For this love and understanding, truth and justice;
for wisdom to know the apparent from the real
that I might alleviate the sufferings of men on earth...

God is love, understanding, wisdom, and virtue.
Let us love one another, let us practice mercy and forgiveness,
let us have peace, born of fellow-feeling...

Let my joy be of altruistic living, of doing good to others.
Happiness is unto him from whom happiness
proceeds to any other human being."
- Zoroastrian Prayer

"O Great Spirit
Help me always speak the truth quietly, 
to listen with an open mind when others speak
and to remember the peace that may be found in silence."
- Cherokee Prayer

"For those who have asked us to pray for them,
For those that we have promised to pray for,
For those that have no one to pray for them,
May they know the embrace of God's healing touch and love.
 - Anonymous 

"I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force to remove
all obstructions from my mind and body
and to restore me to perfect health.
I ask this in all sincerity and honesty
and I will do my part.

I ask the Great Unseen Healing Force
to help both present and absent ones who are
in need of help and to restore them to 
perfect health.

I put my trust in the Love and Power of God."
- Spiritualist Prayer for Healing


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