Monday, September 12, 2022


We were in church and it was a quiet prayer moment. I remember thinking, "help." What made it memorable was not the thought itself but what happened the instant afterward. Zachary leaned in and hugged me. Ask and ye shall receive. My request was answered immediately. I smiled to myself.

Shortly after that the priest announced that he had just returned from a trip. He bought Blessed pendants and had left a basket of them in the vestibule for us to take home. They serve as a reminder of a miracle. 


Before anyone starts worrying, you should know that I am fine. It's just been a very busy and hectic time. There are multiple shows to prepare for, constant changes in the schedule and more things to do than time to do them all. The world keeps turning and sometimes I just need to sit and catch my breath. I'm good.

I'm not going to stress and we are all going to be just fine. Let's just take a spa day the first chance we get!  :) Also, let's remember help is there when we need and when we ask.

Much Love, 


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