Monday, August 2, 2021


The boy had been sick. I think it started when he came home COVERED in dusty sand. He had a fantastically good time dumping it all over himself, and the cloud of fine power surrounding him when he moved resembled that of Pig-Pen. He soon started to cough.

After a bit of progression to not feeling well and a trip to the doctor (who, after she stopped laughing at the sand pictures, agreed with us that he probably shouldn't do THAT again), he began to feel better - but not before two days of breathing and coughing on me. It hit me Monday evening, just after posting last week's blog. I was set to record a song that night and I could not. By Tuesday morning I was a disaster and Wednesday was even worse. I don't even remember Thursday. 

We all tested negative for COVID. 

As I continue at least four medicines and a nasal wash regimen this week, I am beyond grateful to have steady improvement. The truly scary aspect of this journey was, and continues to be, that as it was unfolding for me, we were also learning about the new data regarding the Delta variant. People we know in higher risk categories are returning to a stricter protocol and we know that even fully vaccinated, we can transmit a very serious illness to someone who is not, or someone who IS but is in a higher risk category, or to anyone really. 

I can not yell loud enough from the mountain top. PLEASE GO GET VACCINATED IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY. Speak to your doctor. If you have already, speak to them again. It feels like everyone is so tired of this that we just don't want to listen anymore, but now is not the time for that.

I have no right to complain about my illness when so many have been taken from us. At my worst, I couldn't imagine devolving from there. It's a terrifying thought. What would happen to the boy? What about all those children who DID lose a parent? Most of the seriously ill COVID patients now are unvaccinated and some officials are STILL denying the effectiveness of masks - seemingly for their own political benefit. People are so busy trying to survive and pay the bills that they have not followed the actual news or recommendations from health officials and there are plenty of other people waiting to profit off of their lack of true information.

Children normally get sick. They interact with other kids and develop their immune system. It's expected that once they attend school they'll acquire germs, contract colds and eventually get over them. It's perfectly normal for a cold to be going around at school and for Zachary to catch it. What's unacceptable is when serious illness and death can be avoided - but isn't.

My heart breaks for all the misinformation, the deliberate acts of capitalizing off of it, the needless suffering and death. Sometimes we can't help it - but SOMETIMES WE CAN.

I'm begging you. Get the shot. 

Click here for

Click here for the "COVID-19 Vaccines" page on

Click here for "How to convince someone who is hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine" from 

Click here for "How to talk to vaccine-hesitant friends and family about getting the shot" from

Love you all,



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