Monday, August 9, 2021

Before and After

It started with a well-deserved "treat myself with a trip to the nursery" moment.  It turned out hydrangeas and annuals were fifty percent off.

It seemed like a great weekend project for Zach and me. Russ could get some work done while I kept the boy busy outside. The yard really needed some attention too.

We got a lot done the first day, but it was NOT the best time. I'm starting to get a headache just thinking about it. It was too hot and everyone was too "yelly." The boy was running around, squirting cold water at everything in sight, making a constant racket, knocking things over, falling down and requiring attention every ten seconds. When one adult would try to keep him occupied, they'd end up contributing to the chaos with their raised voice soon after. We muddled through completely annoyed. I wondered if I should even attempt more gardening on Sunday. 

That little section under the tree looked soooooo much better though. We talked through our game plan for the next day. Zach would try to listen better and stay out of trouble. I would try more patience and more ways to engage him. Russ would focus more on his own work and only check in occasionally. We would all try and have more fun going through the process.

Take TWO! 

The next section wasn't as crowded and we could spread out more.

Zach tried his hand at container planting.

His first attempt was ok...

but he soon managed well all on his own!

The best "before and after" wasn't captured by the camera. It was our Spirit. After that first day, we tried to improve ourselves and our energy. It worked. We're always a "work in progress" but our second time around was a satisfying accomplishment. :)

Here's to the reboots! Here's to knowing that even when things get hard, we can dig deep and remove some of the obstacles in our way. 

Blessed week y'all.



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