Monday, April 23, 2018

Knock. It. Off.

So... I was so tired I thought I might die. I actually told the people in the nearest vicinity that if I passed out, they should tell the paramedics that it's exhaustion.

That is enough of that. No more. The end.

It has been extremely challenging these last few weeks, with Russ gone (traveling). There's the baby, the dogs, our own traveling and on top of that the baby and I were both sick. Things were finally becoming manageable when I got a call for an acting gig. Cool! Then I had to stay up all night to be ready and to get there on time. I don't want to complain about that - I love these jobs! But sleep is important. It is necessary. When a lack of sleep becomes dangerous, NO JOB OR OPPORTUNITY is worth it.

Hello? Is this thing on?

I snapped at a friend of mine who was pushing himself too hard too. There's just no reason for it.

Can we all make it cool to get enough sleep again? Was it ever cool? Can we just not care about if it's cool or not? Any way you want to angle it - the point is that I am going to knock it off. I must. I think we all should.

Alright. That's it. Now everybody go to bed!

Here's wishing us all a week Blessed with a decent amount of sleep.


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