Monday, August 29, 2016

Repost: SPECIAL EDITION BLOG - "Superhero (Song for St. Jude)"

It's been a while since this very special song and fundraising effort has appeared in this blog. I would like to start including a link to it in upcoming posts. 

This is a repost of "SPECIAL EDITION BLOG - Superhero (Song for St. Jude)" as originally posted in January of this year... Many thanks to everyone who helps us spread the word and to those who help support St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.



Hello everybody...

We are so excited to announce the release of our new song, "SuperHero (Song for St. Jude)," with proceeds going to benefit St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!

Some time ago, Russell and I were asked to perform at a college event to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. We had seen commercials for St. Jude and were familiar with the remarkable story of its inception by founder Danny Thomas. We offered not only to perform at that event, but to go a step further and also write a song to be released with proceeds going to benefit St. Jude.

We sat down as songwriters, seeking inspiration and more information about the hospital. What we learned about St. Jude moved us to tears of joy. Its history, groundbreaking research and extraordinary contributions to families around the world affected by life threatening diseases filled us with extreme pride in their astounding accomplishments.

We learned about the most amazing children whose courage and strength are inspirational beyond measure. Words can scarcely describe their incredible spirit. To us, they are superheroes. Thus, the concept for the song “SuperHero (Song for St. Jude)” was born.

While so many of us find it easy to complain about little things, these kids fight for their very lives. They do it with bright, smiling faces and beam with positive energy. They are leaders, showing us all how to live with courage, strength, hope and joy.

Our song’s story is about a fictitious little boy who finds his strength in helping others. He is a secret superhero who delivers “heaven’s kisses sprinkled on ice cream” along with love and strength to those in need. He takes away pain and fulfills wishes inside the dreams of others.

It seems like this is exactly what the patients at St. Jude do and the facility itself does for the world by showing us all that anything is possible. Danny Thomas once asked St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint of hopeless causes, for guidance. After over fifty years of miracles, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital gives hope to us all.

Thank you to all of the superheroes who have made St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital a beacon of hope. This song is our gift to you.

To help raise funds, we encourage you to buy a copy of the song for yourself and gift it to someone as well. We’ve also set up a page on the St. Jude website (link below) for those who wish to make additional donations toward our fundraising efforts. Thank you.

Official Music Video on YouTube

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