Monday, December 21, 2015

Yes, Virginia...

A timeless classic, I just adore reading this at this time of year...

This week, and throughout the Holiday Season this year, I'll remember the gifts of spending time with those I love, speaking kind words, the simple touch of a handshake or a hug, little gifts that show you've been thinking of someone, and acts of kindness.

As we all bustle through crowded stores, search for parking spots, wrap, cook and travel around trying to get everything done, I pray we all have those peaceful moments. May we all pause and take in some seasonal magic. Maybe we'll see a beautifully decorated house or shimmering tree. Maybe we'll notice childlike innocence with a great sense of adoration. We'll celebrate family and love. We'll enjoy delicious home-cooked meals and marvel at the abundance we've worked hard to create all year. Then hopefully, we'll share that feeling of warmth by reaching out to one another. Little things can mean so much. I'll do my best to think of others and what would make them happy.

May we all spread Love and Good Cheer this year.

Here's wishing you a Blessed and Happy Holiday...


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