Monday, October 27, 2014

Making a List, Checking it Twice

(Ring Ring...)

Tan:  Hello?

Mom:  Are you writing your blog?

Tan:  No.  I don't know what to write about.  I got nothing.  So, I'm organizing my closets.

Mom:  Write about that.

In church today, the lecturer spoke about distractions.  She reminded us about how we are all connected to each other and to the Divine and that we are ALWAYS connected that way - but sometimes we forget.  Sometimes we have "Divine Attention Deficit Disorder."

That explains a lot.  Could that be the reason why we can feel lonely for no good reason at all or why good friends can feel like unfamiliar strangers all of a sudden?  Is this why it can feel like we're not going anywhere or don't have anything - when in reality we have absolutely everything we need and are exactly where we are supposed to be?

It reminds me of the holidays and how easy it is to get distracted.  It's all too easy to do what we, in our family, call twirling.  Twirling is what you do when you're not sure which way to go.  You start to go one way, then something catches your attention in the other direction so you turn and go that way instead.  This keeps happening until pretty soon you feel like you're running all over, but you're really going nowhere except around in circles.  If it happens when you're Christmas shopping - that's when you know it's time to go home and get organized.  Make a list and stick to it.  

Okay.  Can't we apply that solution to the spiritual twirl as well?  Let's see... if a list were to help me out of a spiritual twirl, what would that list look like?  Something like this?

This week, I'll try to stay focused.  I'll make lists for tasks to be accomplished and get something done.  I'll also carry around this spiritual reminder list.  If I feel myself beginning to twirl, I'll go home and regroup.  Maybe I'll organize my closets or something.  :)

Ever since thinking of this title (Making a List, Checking it Twice),  I've been walking around the house singing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town."  So, I found this on Youtube:


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