Monday, March 3, 2014

If You're Gonna Twirl, Stick the Landing

Hi Guys!

As I twirl… trying to think of something to say…

In our house, we came up with a concept that we call “twirling.”  It's that thing you do when you don’t seem to know WHAT to do and you feel overwhelmed.  It's when you end up going in circles instead of in any one particular direction.  You might say you're twirling if it's Christmas Eve and you're standing in the center of the mall running through (in your mind) all of the things that you have yet to do and you literally can't pick a direction to walk in.

It's been a week packed with activity and more to come this week as well.  My mind swims with concepts and bits and fragments of everything.  There are many irons in the fire, many songs to finish, many decisions to make, much work to be done.  Sound familiar?  (Don't we all face some version of this?)

A few things stand out this week in my search for guidance...

One is this quote and the wisdom contained therein:

May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.
- Nelson Mandela

Another is the concept from Carolyn Myss about managing your power:

Can you manage the energy?... Because if you can't manage the energy consciously, it will manage you unconciously... Either you get managed unconsciously, or you begin to manage yourself consciously. 

Also, she says:

“Most people live their lives making decision based on illusion and then running into the high altitudes to heal versus living in the high altitudes, making the decision and then coming down and managing the consequences of a decision made from a higher altitude.”

Tonight, I will relax with this cup of ginger tea and rest well.  Tomorrow will come without any help from me.  I will then manage one task at a time – with ease and confidence – one foot in front of the other – with confidence and clarity.  I may sometimes twirl, but I WILL stick the landing.

That’s the plan.


Behind the wheel of my own destiny...

1) (2014, March). Nelson Mandela > Quotes. Retrieved March 3, 2014 from
2) Myss, Caroline. Finding Your Sacred Contract. Hay House, 2003. CD.

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