Monday, August 24, 2015

Loving Spoonful...

Sign me up for Hogwarts! I have taken a workshop in "Spoon Bending" and have successfully bent spoons.

It was an exercise in mind over matter. The greater purpose was to help us realize the artificial limitations we place on ourselves and provide practice in breaking these barriers. (If I can do this to forks and spoons with my bare hands, imagine what I can do to heal my body and soul!)

If you look up "spoon bending" and the related "psychokinesis" you'll find much criticism, skepticism, and evidence of trickery from illusionists.

"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. 
For those who don't believe, no proof is possible."
- Stuart Chase

I don't know how we did it exactly, but almost all of us in Ron Nagy's class did in fact bend our spoons. We used our minds and gentle pressure from our hands. We had been instructed to bring our own stainless steel or silver plated spoons. I brought some new and used stainless, and additional silver plated ones were provided to me after I had already bent my own.

With Ron Nagy

Spoon Bending Work Playshop

Here's the thing... It doesn't matter to me if there is or is not scientific proof or explanation. If the outcome of the exercise is our enhanced confidence in our own abilities to Heal and Empower ourselves, then it is real. If we use that confidence to positively improve our health and well-being, then we have been effectively guided toward love. Therein lies a miracle, a change in perception for the express purpose of our highest good.

"Whether you think you can, 
or you think you can't - you're right."
- Henry Ford

"Man is what he believes."
- Anton Chekhov

There were more workshops in Spirituality and Healing as I immersed myself in studies on those subjects over the weekend at Lily Dale, the "World's Largest Center for the Science Philosophy and Religion of Spiritualism." Click here for Lily Dale's Home Page. I AM always grateful for the healthy dose of peace and serenity I experience there. This quote from A Course in Miracles was mentioned by medium John White, who also reminded us that there is only love and fear - and only love is real.

"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists."
- A Course in Miracles

Our personal journeys toward our greatest potential are filled with the most amazing moments! Self empowerment and the awareness of pure love can feel absolutely magical. It feels like we're at the place where illusion ends and the real magic begins... Thank you - to all who bring loving spoonfuls and help us on our way.


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