Monday, January 9, 2012

Ten Tips for Coping with Taxes

“The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.” 
                         - Albert Einstein

Here we go again… why do I NEVER enter receipts throughout the year as I am supposed to? 

My plan was to do a “top ten” list of cute funny things – that might also work – to help get through tax time.  Not only could I not come up with anything, but internet searches didn’t yield much.  I did find some stress coping techniques (both positive and negative) and some funny quotes… but I would ACTUALLY like to get through this business of taxes so I am encouraging any advice (both serious and for fun).  I have been chipping away at this tax stuff all week though, and finally managed to come up with a few things I found helpful for myself.

“The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets.” 
- Will Rogers 

Among the “positive” coping techniques I found online were Yoga, guided imagery and positive self talk (whatever THAT is).  The “negative” coping strategies included substance abuse, denial and self blame.  (Let's not resort to going there okay?)

“The income tax created more criminals than any other single act of government.” 
- Barry Goldwater 

Here’s what I’ve personally found to be helpful:

1.)  Partner up.  It is way more fun when you’re not alone.  Russ has been working on his paperwork too this week – and I feel like I’ve done a lot more than I would have on my own.

2.)  Practice gratitude.  I am reminded that I have to pay income tax because I am Blessed enough to have an income.

“Nothing hurts more than having to pay an income tax, unless it is not having to pay an income tax.” 
- Thomas Robert Dewar

3.)  Stretch.  This is right in line with the Yoga thing.  I haven’t done yoga yet this tax season, but my back is killing me and Russ keeps yelling at me to stretch more.  It does help.

4.)  Sit in a comfy chair.  I’ve heard that one with armrests can take 20% of the weight off of your back.

5.)  Play the “Reward” game.  I like to set myself up with a reward for accomplishing a task.  The only trouble is in finding a reward that’s not detrimental.  I’m saving the root beer float for the big day when all is done.  :)

6.)  Alternate tasks.  I find it much less monotonous and much more manageable to switch tasks and keep the “to do” piles small.  Take one bite at a time.  I like to sort some papers, then enter some receipts, then file some things, then back to another pile of receipts.

7.)  Mini Spa – I am sooooo going to do this.  It’s two, two, two things in one!  It's a reward, and it’s like yoga and meditation.  A hot bath (this was my grandmother’s cure for everything), a pedicure, some aromatherapy candles all sound good to me.

8.)  Plod onward.  One of the biggest motivations I have is knowing that the sooner I get all of this done, the sooner I don't have to do it anymore.

9.)  Wind down.  An end-of-the-day routine helps relax and cue my body for bedtime.  Routinely reading a book, playing a video game, watching a program, or drinking a cup of tea helps to turn it all off and get some well deserved rest before picking it all up again tomorrow.

10.)  Find a way to make it more fun.  Turn on some fun music, take a break to find some funny tax quotes, use a fun novelty pen, talk to yourself out loud in some quirky accent – anything to take the edge off and smile.  Life is too short.

“How much money did you make last year? Mail it in.” [Suggested simplified tax form] 
- Stanton Delaplane 

Please leave a comment with your tips for coping with taxes.  I can’t wait to hear!

Much Love,


“Did you ever notice that when you put the words ‘The’ and ‘IRS’ together, it spells ‘THEIRS?’” 
- Author Unknown 

1 comment:

  1. Move to a state that doesn't require state income tax filing. That solves half the problem.
