Monday, November 9, 2015

Change, CHANGE, ChAnGe

Last week I listened to an audio book from Louise Hay...

In it, she referenced author Ken Carey:

"The warm rains of new thought fall gently on the soil of human consciousness."
- Ken Carey (The Third Millennium)

As I was contemplating concepts of change, new thought, and letting go of that which no longer serves, my phone rang. It was the bandleader for my weekend gig asking if I would mind being put on a different show than the one I had originally been booked for. (Why would I mind?) :) It was a great show and I met some lovely new people.

On Sunday, I had no idea what to write about in this week's blog. I consulted Louise Hay's calendar...

There it was again! Change. I turned on the television. Joel Osteen was on. He was talking about making changes and and letting go of the old in order to make way for new Blessings. (OK Universe, I get it.)

This morning (Monday), I headed outside to walk the dogs. The phone rang. It was my training partner for a new video we're working on. She had to change our gameplan for today. I just smiled... (no problem).

As I continued to walk with the dogs, I took note of nature with all its falling leaves and quiet, truthful ways. I remembered that changes are good. They are a natural part of life. I was reminded to accept them and go with the flow of things.

New and interesting things are just around the corner. I won't get attached to any "plans" I might have. The road ahead is unknown and wide open. #Trust (like last week) and the wonderful adventure of life will unfold.


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