Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rattle Your Cage?

A friend of mine once conveyed this sentiment…

“Are you nervous?  Scared?  Do you feel short of breath?  Are you all anxious?  Are you sweating?  Heart racing?  Then congratulations my friend!  You are really living!”

Russ rides the "FireBall" at the County Fair

Russ rides the "FireBall"

The point was that sometimes we get all "too comfortable" with ourselves and just go through the motions of life when we could be pushing the envelope a bit and gaining a wealth of experiences.  A little stress (in moderation, of course) can be a GOOD thing!

Try something new!  Get out there and go for it!  Do something that might feel a little scary or uncomfortable at first – it may be totally invigorating!  You might make a new friend – or discover something you love!  - This was the point.

The Apollo - that was scary... but sure glad I did it!

Life is too short.  Our time here is so limited.  Sometimes we have to have our cage rattled to wake us up a bit and help us get into the spirit of living life to the fullest! 

These are the ideas that surround me this week as I work my butt off accomplishing new tasks and find myself thoroughly enjoying the challenges.  It feels like people all around me are echoing the idea – friends, neighbors, and new acquaintances alike. 

Hey, when it feels like the universe is trying to tell me something…  I like to try and listen.

Just wanted to share.  J


While certainly scary, probably NOT the best idea to let the dog drive...
A+ for effort though Bentley!

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