Monday, May 1, 2017

Up Up and Away

I was in a bad mood when I got to physical therapy and the chipper young assistant asked me, "How was your week?" all cheerful-like and smiley. I felt like launching into a tirade about everything under the sun that was aggravating me. I kept my answer short, and complaints to a minimum, as I took up my place on the elliptical machine. Shortly afterward as I was doing my table exercises, an elderly client came in and began her routine on the table next to mine. When asked how she was doing, she replied with a happy and upbeat spirit that she was well. Her exercises were more basic than mine and they seemed more difficult for her to do. I felt sorry for my bad mood. I thought that if she had nothing to complain about, neither should I.

Soon everyone began talking about the house directly outside the second story window that we all look out at. There's only one house out there. It's surrounded by parking lots, multipurpose buildings and condominiums. It stands out not only because it is the only single family home in sight, but because it can be referred to as a "blight." There are piles of rocks and debris along one side of the neighborhood eyesore. It is in need of paint and some other repairs. There are mismatched containers of various sizes littering the backyard, filled with what seem to be dead plants and dirt. Odd toys, bikes and other clutter dot the cracked cement patio along with the weeds.

A few weeks ago, we noticed that some people seemed to be cleaning it up, but that was just one day and nothing really changed in the overall appearance. The elderly patient commented that the owners could be fined by the city. One of the assistants said that the house reminded her of the Disney movie "Up" which features a house like that. She said that in the movie, the house flew up and away on an adventure. Without missing a beat, the elderly lady said with a smile, "Maybe THAT'S what will happen!"

It made my day. I thought about it all weekend. She didn't even hesitate at the idea that the house in question could just up and fly away. It was reflective of an "anything is possible" state of mind. It was delightful and she lifted me up - for sure.

Here's hoping that THIS week... I might lift people up and not be a blight. ;)
A Blessed week to us all. xoxo


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