Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Ring Ring... Hello?

Whelp. It happened again. There was only one other time that I can recall, when it escaped my attention that it was Monday and therefore blog day. My apologies.
#TuesdayIsTheNewMonday - and NOW that it's after midnight - #WednesdayIsTheNewTuesday

This is a tough time for many of us. So often we find the strength and comfort that we need to get through, by helping each other and coming together. This time we must remain separated, and "alone together" is a thing. Then came this:

- because performers and entertainers connect with people. That's what we do. That's who we are. Now, I've got some more calls to make...

and some songs to sing.

LOL (this next one)

Here's wishing us all some beautiful moments, through it all.

Please keep safe.

Love you,

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