Monday, December 28, 2015


There it was, Sunday evening and I had no idea what to blog about. It was almost midnight and time to go to bed. Then, as if right on cue, Joel Osteen came on TV.

He spoke of "due season" and how our time is coming for great Blessings. Things that seemed impossible will come to pass unexpectedly and suddenly. We need to have faith. We need to believe.

My eyes drifted to the piano where we had just put all of the Christmas presents we had received. Right in front was a little angel ornament given to us by Santa. It says "Believe." I thought it would be a good reminder that no matter what happens, or regardless of how any situation may appear on the surface, we should keep believing that everything is all working out for the best. I had just discussed the idea with Russ as we placed it on the piano lid, arranging it alongside all the wonderful things given to us by friends and family this year.

As Joel spoke words that sounded so familiar to us, Russ and I shared a smile. Then I got up, took a picture of the Angel ornament, and sat down at the computer to write this.

This year, I Believe we all have amazing Blessings in store. We can all have faith that good things are coming. We would do well to Believe.

A Blessed, Happy and Healthy New Year...


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