Monday, July 20, 2015

About the Apple Tree...

A few years ago, we fenced in our backyard so that the dogs could run freely. We soon became aware that Bentley has an obsession with apples. He will eat them until he becomes sick, if left to his own devices.

There happened to be a bumper crop one year and it was impossible to rake them all up. Despite having the fence, we had to keep Bentley on leash or else he would fill up on apples. We were given a most amazing invention called an apple rake, which rolls over the top of them and scoops them up easily, but the apples remained well into winter and I wondered why we had bothered getting the fence.

The next year, hardly any apples fell from the tree and Bentley enjoyed the run of the yard. I didn't know what to make of the apple situation.

So here we are this year. Already, I can see hundreds of apples on the tree. They are falling down and Bentley is eating some, even though they aren't really ripe and probably taste bitter.

What is the point?

When I saw all the apples this week, all the fruitful abundance on the tree, I was tempted to think to myself, "Oh darn it! Look at all those freakin' apples! It's going to be one of THOSE years!" I quickly realized the ridiculousness of that train of thought. Apples are a blessing! They are beautiful! They are a wonderful example of nature's bounty and a symbol and reminder of the gifts of life! What was I thinking, complaining about it??? It was time to change my mind and be grateful.

I think we encounter opportunities to change our thinking in this way more often than we realize. I'm reminded that sometimes we can't see the Blessing that lies ahead. Sometimes we think something unfortunate has occurred when in fact, it might be the best thing that ever happened to us. Where is our faith? Our trust? Why do we complain when we could be joyful?

I am going to make it a practice to be thankful and grateful, even when things don't appear to be going my way. If I trust that all is working out for the best, and the Universe is always working for my greatest good, I will say "thank you" and be grateful no matter what happens. I will trust that all will work out for the best eventually, even when I can't see it right away. I've heard countless stories of how people have lost their jobs, only to be forced into another that is better anyway. Sometimes we need a little push in the right direction. Sometimes, we don't make changes unless we are forced into them. Sometimes our disappointments lead to the most amazing opportunities.

I will remember that this week. I will smile and know that all is well. After all, it IS! I will focus my thoughts on the good, and therefore attract more positive things. I'll pay close attention to my thoughts and let go of any complaints, knowing that everything that happens is ultimately for the best. I know this to be true.


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