Monday, January 20, 2014

The Ripple Effect…

Last week,  I heard a story about a kind deed.  A man offered another gentleman a ride because that gentleman's car had broken down.  As it turned out, the gesture was reminiscent of a similar act that gentleman had experienced years before, and brought back the memory of how a similar kind deed had led to massive positive changes in his life.

That one original random act of kindness had a ripple effect.  The beneficiary of the kind act (the man who received the ride from a complete stranger all those years ago) felt so overwhelmed with gratitude that he went out into the world trying to give back what had been given to him in kindness.  It transformed him from being a man struggling to keep his business afloat and make ends meet, into a man known for his kindness and generosity and who built his business upon those principles; and he eventually became a pillar in his community with a thriving business and admiration from all within it.  Here he was again, years later and in need of a ride – and another random stranger had given him one once more.

“We can do no great things, only small things with great love” 
– Mother Teresa

It occurred to me that we don’t have to be rich and famous to help people or to make an impact on the world.  We can all help a friend in need or smile at a complete stranger.  The possibilities are endless.  We can volunteer somewhere, make that donation we’ve been thinking about (even if it's just taking that old coat to the Salvation Army), take a few extra minutes to help a child with their homework, call that relative we’ve been meaning to reach out to, etc.  The impact that we have may be much larger than we even know.

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely. It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good.
What is needed for dramatic change is an accumulation of acts, adding, adding to, adding more, continuing. We know that it does not take everyone on Earth to bring justice and peace, but only a small, determined group who will not give up during the first, second, or hundredth gale.
                            – Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Another recurring theme for me this week occurred when I kept hearing people talk about the need for self-nurturing and Love.  Alright...  Let's mash those up with a kind deed and together, they can create another sort of ripple effect…

We all know that we can't take care of others without first taking care of ourselves.  But also, when we take care of ourselves, we can cause a ripple effect that emanates from within.  Sometimes it seems easier to give than to receive.  But when we learn to graciously receive, we can be that much more inspired to pass it on.  When we nurture ourselves we are stronger, more at peace, more confident.  We may, in a split second, make one small decision that increases what we put out into the Universe in terms of positivity – and who knows, it may end up having a wonderful positive impact on someone else.  It happened to me today…

I’ve been working tirelessly on what seems to be our semi-annual migration to the big city (this time, it's back to the NYC area).  My WONDERFUL mother-in-law invited me to go to the nail spa with her and my AWESOME sister-in-law (and I am NOT just saying “wonderful” because she offered to treat us – God bless her! Nor am I saying “awesome” because she offered to give us her leather couch – God bless her too!).  Even though I had a TON of work to do, I thought it would be nice to take a little break and spend some time with them, as well as enjoy a little self pampering.  :)

On my way to meet them a woman approached me and asked if I knew of a taxi company in the area.  I was just getting into my car on the street after coming out of a bagel shop in a town that I was completely unfamiliar with.  I apologized and said no.  I honestly had no idea who to call.  I saw her disappointment, so I suggested she use “yelp.”  That’s what I would use to find one on my phone.  She didn’t have access on her phone.  As I got into my car I could hear her calling a friend trying to figure out her next move.  I could have (and might have) driven off just then, but I thought, what the heck?  I could find her a cab company couldn’t I?”  I looked it up on my phone, rolled down the window and gave her the number.  She dialed but it didn’t seem to work.  Ok  I gave her another number.  As she tried again and seemed to be having trouble, I just dialed from my phone and handed it to her when I had the taxi company on the line.  She ordered her car and handed the phone back to me with a smile on her face from ear to ear.  She was glowing with appreciation.  I smiled too… it felt good. 

What if we all just committed some random act of kindness this week?  Even if it's just something that seems small?  How about if it's even just some self-nurturing or Loving thing for yourself?  (I can think of a few mothers I know who admit that they wouldn’t even have the slightest idea WHAT they would want to do for themselves if they had a free hour).  And why NOT start with yourself?  Your own happiness can most definitely start a ripple effect…

Why not do something for yourself, then go out into the world and SHINE and PASS IT ON!

Namaste! xoxo

Danielle, Me and Mom-Graham at the nail spa...

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