1. Allow anyone to steal my joy
2. March into someone's trap
3. Be swayed from what I know to be true
4. Stop speaking my mind
There are so many important things happening right now. This is no time to be intimidated into silence. Also, there is this wonderful thing called a delete button - and a block - and an unfriend (if it should become necessary).
Buh-bye troll. This is MY bridge.
Have a beautiful week everyone!
And now, if you'll excuse me, I have some fun to get back to - I may even have ice cream. :)
"Stop getting distracted by things that have nothing to do with your goals."
- @kanodadon2975 (Instagram)
Isn't it easy to get distracted? It's tempting to busy ourselves with silly things and conveniently create an excuse not to make progress toward our deepest dreams and goals. Are we afraid of failure? Or success?
Sometimes it's not silly things that distract. Aren't we capable of hiding behind real challenges and legitimate reasons why we never wrote that book? or song? or finished that project? or started that business? or put enough time and investment into that business to make it profitable and sustainable?
Perhaps it's more comforting to call a friend and commiserate about what's wrong in the world rather than brainstorming for solutions. Maybe anger is an easy route over creativity. It's plausible that our ambitions are so lofty, we just lack the discipline necessary for the little steps that need to be taken every day.
Who knows what our problem actually is. It's probably a combination of things. What if there is no problem at all! Possibly, we're just going along at our own pace, doing the best we can do.
Nah... I'm not buying that last one. I think there's always room for improvement. We can always learn. We can always do a little better. We can always Love a little more, try a little harder - or work a little smarter.
The creative process requires embracing the unknown to a certain degree. Trying something new takes a bit of courage. Fear is a powerful thing. Distraction that forces us to stay inside our own little comfort zone offers a feeling of safety. Would a little DIScomfort be worth it though, if it meant being able to take off in flight, on a direct course toward everything we've ever dreamed of?
Let's change one habit, learn one new fact, consider another point of view, challenge one of our own long held beliefs - do something, anything DIFFERENT from what we're used to. I'm betting even one little step outside our comfort zone can have a profound effect on our journey.
A walk in the rain can bring a beautiful new perspective.
While rain carries a beauty all its own, it also helps us appreciate the sunshine - much like the way tears of sadness help us know the sweetness of laughter with deeper understanding.
Sometimes in our effort to stay positive and happy, it's tempting to bury our heads in the sand. We don't want to feel the rain.
Only we know how much rain we're capable of dealing with at any particular time. As for me, I'm down for a walk in the rain. I'll meet you out there if you want. I'll understand if you'd rather stay inside though too.