Monday, November 18, 2019


"I get knocked down, but I get up again.
You're never gonna keep me down."
- Tubthumping lyrics (Chumbawamba)

How fitting that the week kicked off with some bowling!

"Om.... I Am the pin" could be my mantra. First there was a scheduling snafu that took a whack at me pretty hard, then Zachary and I had to adjust to our new daily logistics with Russ traveling, then I fought off a cold. I just keep getting up and going. 

Time marched onward and before I knew it I was on stage in Boston.

with Gregory (Photo by Gregory K. Lathan)

It was disco time with the "Dancin' Machine" band of talented, fun and super nice people!

With Gregory, Kristina, Rob

Then it was just me.

Here we go again. This week my aim is "resilience." 

guitarist Boff Whaley said the song was written about
 "the resilience of ordinary people."

Have a Blessed week of singin' and winnin'!


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