Monday, December 10, 2018

"Playing" for a Living

Why is it that we are surprised when things we already know present themselves to us in a new and fresh manner?

I feel like I already knew this one. I did. I swear I did. A lot of people "work" for a living. Musicians "play" a gig. Maybe we should start saying that we work at a gig so that people will understand the amount of effort that goes into it - and that's not even including the literal blood, sweat and tears! Or we could just remember that not everyone will see what we do as "work" at all (the price we pay for making it look easy). This subject has come up repeatedly this week, and from totally different groups of people.


You will have to work harder than almost anyone else you know.

Life is not fair.

You have no sick days.

You don't get paid if you're sick.

You can't get sick.

You don't get weekends or holidays off.

You might not always get to eat.

No, you may not take a bathroom break just because you have to.

You must stay hydrated.

You might not always get to sleep.

You still have to look and act like you are well rested and energized.

You must be kind and friendly to everyone.

Do NOT make any mistakes.

You will constantly be judged.

Your body is part of your instrument. Workouts and health maintenance are not luxuries. They are a requirement.

You must look well put together at all times - even with little or no budget.

Your gig clothing is NOT tax deductible - I don't care HOW much you have to spend on it.

You must keep and keep track of all your receipts.

No one is going to tell you to do your homework.

Your homework MUST be done.

You must act like you know what you are doing even when you have no clue what is going on.


People will see your pictures and videos and think you are just having a grand ol' time "playing."

There will be times when you cry.

This is your business.

No one will make you get to the office on time.

You will lose money if you don't get to the office on time.

You must get to the office before and stay later than anyone else.

After your office hours, you will also have to practice.

There is no personal time off.

Personal problems are not allowed.

Other people will not view your work as "important." They will not understand the sacrifices you have to make.

You are exceptionally important.

You are a world leader.

Your success will vary depending on the importance you place on all of these factors. 

Your success will vary anyway.

(This list can go on and on indefinitely.)

I had the privilege of performing with two fantastic bands this weekend! The musicians were all talented and truly wonderful people. It was a lot of work getting to Albany, then Baltimore and back - but it was absolutely worth all the effort. Great fun playing with you all this weekend! xoxo

With Lance (Drums)
With Apollo Joe


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