Monday, September 25, 2017

(What is) The Jeopardy Blog

Alex, it's great to be here! I'll take "Recording Studio" for 200 please.

What are things on the vocal booth window ledge?

(Voice of host) "That is correct!"

I saw this random collection of items as I took my place behind the microphone this week and thought, "I LOVE THIS PLACE!" Looking further beyond the glass, I saw speakers, cables, keyboards, a big industrial shelf filled with drums, and a few musicians taking a break in between sound check and their evening show. Where else in the world would I see this combination of items and people? It meant I was in my favorite place, with my favorite people, doing what I love. It was the best!

#FindWhatYouLove #MoreOfThatPlease

Here's to doing what you love!


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